Our Services

Listing a portfolio of services after describing an approach that’s bespoke to each client… it could feel odd.  But it doesn’t.

First of all, sometimes you know full well you have a requirement for, say, media relations expertise, even if it’s to plug a short-term gap. And we need you to know that’s us too.

Second:  how many of your favourite meals actually begin with the same ingredients? Likewise, our services combine in endless ways to meet the various marketing needs of growing B2B technology businesses.

Here’s some of what’s in our toolkit.


Media Relations

When people say “PR” or “public relations”, especially in tech or B2B marketing, they often mean “media relations”. This is our bread and butter: lots of tech journalists have, like us, been working in the sector for over 20 years. In many cases they are now old friends. You want contacts; we have them.

Know that we write copy the way journalists need copy to be. Take news releases, for example. You know the drill: give them the punchline first, then the rest of the joke. 

Expect honesty, too: we will tell you bluntly not to waste money, advising you instead to put it on your blog for free. “Because here’s a much more productive idea…”

Analyst Relations

You may have invested significantly in a paid relationship with a major analyst company, only to find that it takes substantial, perhaps unavailable, time and effort to get a return on that investment. 

We’ll schedule and deliver a program that ensures your paid relationship delivers as much benefit to you as possible across multiple areas of your business.

No paid relationship? If it suits the mission, consider vendor briefings with analysts. Ask us for more details.


Event Delivery

We know B2B marketing managers and directors whose lead gen strategy is heavily event-based. Their working days are dominated by preparations for the next eight events. And many events only justify the expenditure on them if the booth is busy with prospect meetings. It can be daunting and exhausting (we know; we’ve been there too).

Because we’ve been there – owned the budget and the responsibility, learned what does and doesn’t work – feel comfortable tasking us with the delivery of events for you. With your objectives always in mind, we’ll take on any/all of design, build, personnel, giveaways, collateral, breakdown and measurement. Recently we even devised and road-tested a brand new value proposition at an event.

Oh, and we do like a nice stunt, where possible, to attract attention.

Content Creation

For all the design and creativity, and all the ‘digital’ that has emerged– so much about marketing still depends on brilliant writing.

Even or perhaps especially in technology marketing, the ability to communicate incredible complexity in simpler terms while still conveying differentiation is key. So is the ability to engage, even entertain.

Our team’s copywriting skills were acquired by various routes. What this means is that we have the skills to write all kinds of content: from attention-grabbing blog posts to full-page ads to LinkedIn ads to web copy to in-depth technical articles to lead-gen emails to sales collateral to all things media relations. We’ve done them all.


Lead Generation

All the branding and air-cover in the world is meaningless if you aren’t generating quality leads to fill the sales pipeline. We have proven, recent experience with inbound lead generation through in-house positions we’ve held, where we applied our considerable writing expertise.

Task us to create content focused on the search terms and themes your customers use to find you, driving traffic to your site. 

Commission us to develop the sales enablement tools needed by your sales teams to help shepherd leads through to closed-won: collateral including brochures, sales decks, case studies/testimonials and product sheets.

Crisis Management

When things go wrong it can be spectacular, and the prospect of unwanted media exposure tends to magnify the panic. At the risk of repeating ourselves: we know, we’ve seen it happen. One of the highest profile ones we can’t tell you about here, because we successfully managed it.

If you need help urgently, call us on either +44 7976 154597 (Rose) or
+44 7801 755495 (Tim).